EASTON, MD. (February 09, 2024)- The Mid Shore Health Improvement Coalition is proud to announce the launch of a new health careers website, MidShoreHealthCareers.org for health professional job seekers and employers.
“The healthcare workforce has seen many challenges, especially in rural communities, and our workgroup is dedicated to bringing collaborative ideas and solutions forward”, said Jonathan Dayton, Executive Director of the Maryland Rural Health Association and Chair of the Mid Shore Health Improvement Coalition’s Provider Recruitment and Retention Workgroup.
“The mid shore is an exceptional area and we wanted to show it off. An idea emerged to create a website to bring attention to all the fantastic things the region offers for providers and their families, and also serve as a hub for health professional job opportunities. There are video stories of local providers who choose to live and practice here, and direct links to job postings from over 100 organizations in the region. We encourage everyone to explore the website and help us out by sharing throughout your networks.”
About the Mid Shore Health Improvement Coalition:
All jurisdictions in Maryland have Local Health Improvement Coalitions to address pressing health issues. In 2021, the five Mid Shore counties banded together to share knowledge, and leverage scarce resources. The Coalition has grown to over 200 members from over 100 organizations. Workgroups include: Diabetes/Healthy Living, Health Equity/Social Determinants of Health, Tobacco/Cancer, Telehealth, Health Literacy, and Provider Recruitment and Retention. For more information, contact Nicole Morris, Director. nicole.morris@maryland.gov midshorehealth.org
About the Coalition’s Provider Recruitment and Retention Workgroup:
The workgroup is Implementing multiple, coordinated strategies to increase the numbers and types of health professionals, such as nurse practitioners, physician assistants, nurse midwives, social workers, and dental hygienists, as well as community health workers, who will add capacity to the network of care in the Mid-Shore Region. For more information, contact Jonathan Dayton, Workgroup Chair. jdayton@mdruralhealth.org midshorehealthcareers.org